Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Tummy Tuck Procedure Can Improve One

By Andrew Moore

Many people may have heard of a type of cosmetic surgery referred to as a tummy tuck. The latter is something that a person may seek a variety of reasons. One may have stubborn pockets of fat for which other remedies have failed, or a woman who has had multiple pregnancies may wish to strengthen her abdominal muscle elasticity. Regardless of why one schedules such a procedure, a well-defined, firmer stomach is usually the end result.

Also called abdominoplasty, this procedure was designed to tighten the abdominal muscles and firm up the skin in this region. In most cases, overstretched skin is amputated as well. The surgery is a major procedure, and therefore can take up to five hours to complete.

General anesthesia is always used during such surgery. Recovery time will vary considerably from one patient to another. However, it generally takes about 30 days before complete recovery occurs.

There are two ways the procedure can be completed. One is referred to as a full procedure, and it is necessary to make two incisions when this option is selected. One incision is made around the person's bellybutton, while the other is made directly above his or her pubic region. The muscles and skin are then pulled together from each side and attached in the middle of one's torso with sutures.

The extra skin and fat are cut away, and the repositioning of one's belly button is usually required. The procedure results in a narrower waist, firmer skin, and tighter muscles. Most individuals are pleased with the results of a full procedure.

Another alternative patients may wish to give thought to is a partial tummy tuck. It is not as complex as a full procedure, but it typically only affects the area below one's bellybutton. This procedure usually involves liposuction as well, and requires just one incision. Cosmetic surgery is not appropriate for all individuals. Therefore, those who are interested in such procedures should carefully consider all the pros and cons prior to finalizing their plans.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Celebrity Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong And The Dark Side Of Fame

By Mickey Jhonny

The popular phrase`plastic surgery` can be seen as a peculiar one. There are a couple of possible interpretations of it and, indeed, probably this melding of meanings explains something of its popularity. What I'm thinking of is both the implication of plastic as a chemical-based material and also plastic in the colloquial sense as cosmetic, superficial, or artificial. A suggestion of something fake at its core.

As a general rule, though the chemically based material called plastic is used, plastic isn`t really so much the ideal ingredient. Skin grafts from other parts of the body generally provide a better effect. So its not inaccurate to call it plastic surgery in this sense, it is a little misleading.

And, as to plastic in the aesthetic or ethical sense, the truth is that most reconstructive surgery is not even cosmetic. But there is something about the association of such surgery to the celebrities trying to hang onto their glamour and appeal that leads so many of us to thoughtlessly let the description roll glibly off the tongue. Perhaps it is something like this subtle disapproval of the celebrities that use it that explains the widespread fascination with examples of celebrity plastic surgery gone wrong.

We are certainly intrigued by the picture of the charmed who have fallen from grace; the rich who apparently are unable to find or maybe even afford a competent surgeon; the beautiful who paid the price for their deal with the Lucifer's scalpel. As though there is some subliminal retribution for the years of our admiration and sense of inferiority. The tables are suddenly turned and the beautiful now have become mere frogs. Princes and princesses into frogs, the fairy tale in reverse. So seems to be the comeuppance for celebrities and a faint sense of redemption and vindication for many of us who have viewed them from afar.

Or, you might want to think of it another way, slightly more stylized: those who have lived by the charms of beauty shall die by the charms of beauty. You understand we're speaking metaphorically, here! Surely though at some level, even if only unconscious, there is some kind of poetic justice being relished.

But before we can say the final word on these gloomy reflections, consider a further possibility. Consider in fact if there may well not be something still darker and even more sinister. I first started pondering this scenario when recalling the popular FX television show that had a nice run last decade: Nip/Tuck. It is the story of a couple of superstar plastic surgeons, serving the rich, glamorous and gorgeous. However, the intriguing thing for me about this show is that the pilot episode was not focused on the pampered and prime clientele, but rather on a mercy mission to surgically save an unfortunate man with a disfigured face.

The episode though took a surprising turn at the end. Only once the surgery was completed did the protagonist surgeons discover that their patient was a pedophile. Without any realization of the consequences of their actions, they eliminated the one natural obstacle that had previously hindered his capacity to draw children into his influence. It was indeed a dark and striking choice for the pilot show of a series that would focus so much on the beauty-pursuit of the rich, famous and handsome.

I find myself wondering if that story captures some primordial suspicion about plastic surgery: do we suspect, even if only unconsciously, that such surgery is an exercise in duplicity? Is something that is true, yet darker, being concealed? Even possibly something sinister? It may well be that the fascination with celebrity plastic surgery gone wrong does tap into just these kind of primordial suspicions. The dark intuition that a deep ugliness is being concealed. That the princess or prince has always been a frog and only now we have the opportunity to see the truth. And someone is trying to hide the truth.

Maybe I`m just making a lot out of nothing, but it is a thought worth contemplating. Might the fascination with celebrity plastic surgery gone wrong say something about the very concept of celebrity and about us.

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Enhancing Appearance With Cosmetic Facial Aesthetics

By Andrew Moore

Cosmetic facial aesthetics are intended for the purpose of improving one's physical appearance. Different procedures are now performed to enhance the beauty of the face. If you have some concerns about your face, you can approach cosmetic experts to determine what specific procedure would be suitable.

Many people nowadays are very concerned about the way they look. Appearance contributes a lot to your self image. Looking good will make you feel better about yourself. With such physical concerns, people resort to undergoing certain procedures to improve appearance in a way.

Botox is one treatment that is popularly used these days. This is a treatment of choice to remove wrinkles and fine lines on the face. When a person ages, skin starts to form lines which may affect appearance. With botox treatment, skin can look smoother and younger looking.

Face lift is another procedure that is very popular nowadays. This is the surgical procedure done to remove wrinkles. In this procedure, excess skin is removed and redraped on the face. Depending on the case, underlying tissues may be tightened to smoothen the skin.

There are other procedures practiced today to enhance features of the face. Rhinoplasty is a procedure performed to improve the shape of the nose. The lips can also be enhanced using injectable collagen. Any concern about the face can now be improved using these procedures.

Prior to undergoing any procedure, it is important that you get an initial consultation. Your current physical condition must first be assessed to determine if you are in good health to receive treatment. One your tasks is to look for a surgeon who can provide safe and quality treatments.

As the client, make sure that you get substantial information about your treatment options for cosmetic facial aesthetics. You should know about the procedure's risks and effects before making final decisions. Surgeons can give you a detailed explanation about the treatment to allow you to make an informed decision.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Learn How To Eliminate Excess Skin With Dallas Abdominoplasty Procedure

By Elinor Hain

For fitness and a toned physique diet and exercise are best, but it will not eliminate the loose skin that forms after weight is lost. With the performance of an abdominoplasty Dallas residents are provided efficient results for a firmer and smoother stomach. Such intervention is becoming increasingly popular to aid in tightening abdominal walls and enhance your appearance.

While most are familiar with the term tummy tuck it is not the process of liposuction. A licensed and experienced surgeon should be consulted for the performance of procedure and involves general anesthesia. It is an invasive measure and requires careful assessment of the benefits and limitations of such modifications.

Men and women who are in good general health may prove best for the performance of surgery. The practitioner will require a complete physical evaluation of the stomach region to recommend candidacy and the methods involved in surgery. Individuals who have shed excess pounds and left with fat deposits and loose skin can benefits from such procedure.

The physician will recommend the preparation needed for healthy results. There are two types of procedures involving complete abdominoplasty where the tissues, skin, and the muscles are tightened. For those with small fat deposits a shorter method will tighten the area for a smoother outcome.

Post surgery will require extensive personal care to relieve pain and swelling. The doctor will advise on the recovery period and the steps that need to be taken to minimize infection and promote healing. It is important to understand that scars will develop that may lighten over time with the use of retinol and similar ointments.

For cosmetic surgery, insurance will not cover the expenses unless medical reasons warrant the procedure. With abdominoplasty Dallas clients can achieve the toned and smooth appearance they have always dreamed of. The presence of excess tissue and fat deposits can be eliminated with contouring for appeal and healthy living.

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